So it's been a while since we've posted from this particular social medium.
What have we been up to?
- Recording our debut EP in a hollowed out concrete water tank with the man who recorded Angus & Julia Stone, Lady of the Sunshine, The Fumes and more.
- Playing with a few awesome bands like Ball Park Music and Brothers.
- Writing a shitload, but not finalising any of the tracks to the point of gigging-standard.
You can expect to hear a chosen single from the EP in late November. You can expect to hear the whole EP in Febuary or March 2011.
Gold Coasters: Check us out this thursday night @ The Basement with the banjo-wielding, hoe-down enducing Bang Bang Boss Kelly. If not, catch us this friday night @ Coolangatta Hotel w/ The Novocaines, Foreign Objects from Perth.
Brisbane folk: Check us out this saturday night in the city @ The Beetle Bar with indie lords Friends Of Ben and Bang Bang Boss Kelly.
This blog would be more entertaining if I were as funny as Family Guy. Ah well a bird bird bird, bird bird's the word x
EMAIL US @ to join the mailing list and find out when/where we're playing and what we're up to!